Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Each one Teach One

Where are we today...after 64 years of Independence? Some would say India has grown immensely after the Independence while some would say otherwise.Both the statements are justified..we do have grown..in terms of corruption, poverty, crimes, etc.
Take an example of the most awaited occassion...our "own" Common Wealth Games.. the "fiasco" as of now. Ample of dicrepencies and loopholes have been found till date. Whats the inside story is, no one knows. Only assumptions could be made on one of the most prestigious event in India. Their was a time when one such event was organized under the eye of Mr. Rajiv and Mrs.Indira Gandhi..that was a success story written long back when Rajiv Gandhi spent nights awaked for the smooth functioning of the event. Today, evey newspaper, newschannels are replenished with CWG news.
This is only one such story, every year lots of money are spent on ample of things which do not hold importance more than Child Education, improving the condition of Women in India, Living standard of people. Today also, more than 65% of the people earn less than Rs.20. Children, at the age when they have to go school,work as labours not only in big industries but even in our houses. We all talk big..but do we really take any step to correct the same? Charity begins at home. When we cant do anything to correct the flaws of society..we have no right to be didactic and preach others. "Each one Teach one" ,a message given long back has no meaning today. We, the educated youth are the only one who can really make some difference in the society.What if every youth decides to educate one child...we can very well imagine the effect of such task. We are the tomorrow of this country. Can we allow our nation to get devastated by these uneducated politicians?
So, .lets take a pledge ..to educate atleast one child in our life tym. Because these WE ARE THE TOMORROW OF THIS NATION.

(This article was written on 15th August 2010)

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